
Round Cap Damper Air Insulated 1/2″ Mesh

The Round Ice Breaker is just as rugged and reliable as it’s square counterpart. It is made of all 304 stainless steel. We tested it by freezing it well below freezing temperatures and it opened every time, no problem.

Air Insulated 5dfb735c cfd8 4d79 9843 2475ffa7db9e

Round Ice Breaker Close Up ad898341 eeca 4437 a69c 6ba4a4e49731

Round Ice Breaker Ice 2 2 d9586ea7 94a7 4bab af32 441e0b628f7a

Round Ice Breaker Ice 1 2 68197e19 feba 44ab add4 dfbd018db1f4